
Elizabeth Olive Bolla

Yoga is my passion. I discovered the practice in 1996 via an amazing therapist, Dr Alan Brovar, who taught me how to breathe and meditate.  The power of our breath and setting mindful intentions is priceless but it does take guidance and practice.  I did not know it at the time, but I had started on the path of yoga - the yoking of the mind, body spirit into one. Yoga is the mental modification of the mind.  How can you quiet the mind? The mental chatter of the “monkey mind” is what drives people.  How do we tame this phenomena of the mind on repeat?  Samskaras are habits.  WE can change our habits and change our mind grooves through the daily practice of yoga.   11 minutes a day can change your life for the better.

I began the physical practice of yoga in 1998 after I was able to get back into my body. I started with Kundalini Yoga at a studio down the street from my apartment in Long Beach, CA. After a serious back injury I tried Bikram yoga and Hatha when I lived in Santa Fe, NM. However, over the past 27 years I have explored and practiced a wide variety of styles. Based on my many intensive teacher trainings, I now enjoy a blend of Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga with Kundalini and restorative yoga to create harmonious balance. I received my teaching certification from the Yoga Alliance Approved 200-hour certification at YogaWorks Studios in Los Angeles in 2009. I have continued to practice and train getting certified in Trauma Informed Movement with Jane Clapp in Toronto, Ontario 2018. I was trained in Scotland for first and second level Reiki in 2020 and 2021. I have also taken two 60 Hour Modules for my advanced 300 hour teacher training with Kia Miller. I have completed numerous workshops, trainings and classes for my continued advancement in becoming an expert teacher and seasoned practitioner.

My teachings are based on an intuitive feeling of the energy of the group or individual. I start with pranayama (breath) and an intention to connect awareness to our bodies. I weave philosophy delicately throughout the session to integrate elements of the eight limb path. I give verbal and physical adjustments when needed and demonstrate poses for clarity. The sequencing of the asanas contributes to a moving meditation to help create stillness of the mind, while building strength and stretching the limits of your body in a harmonious approach. A closing meditation may include flute or some of the philosophy of the “Eight Limb Path” to connect to the light within.

I have enjoyed attending Bhakti, Shakti and Sat Nam festivals in Joshua Tree as well as hosting, teaching and taking various workshops and retreats around the world. My love for yoga runs deep! I benefit from my students on a daily basis. My teachings are guided by the Divine and the energy and experience of the class. My goal is to teach to the level of the student, modify when necessary and help to guide the student to the next level. I have also attended the first Yoga Alliance “The Business of Yoga” in Washington, DC in August of 2013 where I connected with yogis from all over the country! Truly inspiring. I was also fortunate to travel to Colombia and practice and teach yoga to a group of travelers who stayed at the Eco Gambia Village where we lived off of the land. A most memorable journey brought me to Tarapoto, Peru where I practiced and taught a yoga retreat in the Amazonian jungle! It was magical. I have also taught in Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. The journey continues in Portugal in summer of 2022. My goal is to host seasonal, destination wellness experiences around the world.

Some teachers who have helped me get to my higher level:

Deborah Lee, Dina Amsterdam, Gigi Snyder, Paul DaSilva, Kori Fletchner, Max Strom, Suzanne Yeo, Wendy Faith, Shiva Rea, Saul David Raye, Sianna Sherman, Konstantinos, Stefanie Rutt and most especially - Kia Miller. So much regard and humility for all of you and your teachings. I am honored to all my teachers and the ones I shall still meet along the way.

I can help you on your path as the aforementioned teachers continue to help me on mine.

Let’s re-discover your authentic self!


Elizabeth Olive

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